Calculate how many times the number outside the division bar goes into the first number inside the bar. If you need to do long division with decimals use our long division with decimals calculator. On this page, you can divide two numbers using long division method with step by step instruction.
The Solution Below Uses The Long Division With Remainders Method.
To do long division, follow these seven steps: Write this underneath the 15. Bring down the next digit of the dividend.
For Example, Imagine You're Dividing 1,234 By 15.
How many times can you divide 5 into 15. To complete the next step in the problem, you need to estimate how many times 15 goes into 123. Any remainders are ignored at this point.
Long Division And Estimated Quotient.
Put the answer on top of the bar. Teaching long division using the partial quotient method. In this problem we divide 4.71 by 3.2 out to 3 decimal places in the quotient answer.
Rounding Off The Decimal Numbers To The Nearest Whole Numbers And Then Doing Division Mentally Can Give You The Approximate Quotient Closest To The Correct Answer
Bring down the next number of the dividend. The whole number result is placed at the top. Numbers may be whole numbers, integers, or decimals.